Solutions for demanding communication environments

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Recordings Manager

Recordings Manager (RecManager) is a simple application, designed for searching and listening to recordings of telephone or radio conversations. Recordings Manager is also used for backing up recordings on portable media (DVD, DVD-DL) and for user rights administration.


Recordings can be searched for by many criteria:

-  call date,

-  call time,

-  call duration,

-  call type  (incoming or outgoing),

-  incoming telephone number,

-  outgoing telephone number,

-  in call centers an agent / operator Id can also be filtered.


Application is secured by an username and a password, given by the recording system administrator. This is why the RecManager application can only be used by authorized personnel.



-  the program is enclosed with every LRProfessional system,


-  the program is easy to use,


-  searching for recordings by many criteria,


-  user rights administration for individual user,


-  every recordings access is logged,


-  easy copying of recordings from LRProfessional server to USB disk drives and other media,


-  easy user interface for creating backups on DVD or DVD-DL media,


-  can be installed on many remote work stations.




Recordings Manager.pdf