Solutions for demanding communication environments

computel d.o.o.

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CTIClient program is used by operators in a call center usually tailored to individual client needs. It is installed on operators workstations. CTIClient is connected to the CTIServer server application, that provides CTIClient all relevant telephony information. CTIClient presents this information to the call center operator. CTIClient can also send commands to CTIServer (e.g. make calls) as well as make screen pops in third party applications. CTIClient can be easily integrated with voice recording device for the operator to access recordings easily.


Basic function of the CTIClient program is to display basic data such as: data regarding operator that currently uses the program, number of calls in queue and all connected operators that are logged in to serve particular call queue. It also displays operators' states (available, work after a call, unavailable) and states of their telephones (available, ringing, in a call, etc.).


In addition to basic functions we can also add a list of missed calls or a history of all calls, a list of recordings for operator to listen to, and personal or corporate telephone book. The phone book entries are managed by operator automatically and do not need additional typing or telephone manipulation.



-  atomized log in into the program through the telephone,


-  overview of the current availability of all operators in the call center,


-  creation of personal or corporate telephone books,


-  clickable, fully computerized call handling (answering, calling etc.),


-  easy listening of phone conversations  (requirement: call recording),


-  easy missed calls management,


-  other...
